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- health tips HIV /AIDS

MORE than 60 million people in the last 20 years infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Of that amount, 20 million people died of AcquiredImmune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). In 2001, UNAIDS (Joint United NationsProgramme on HIV / AIDS) estimates, the number of People Living With HIV / AIDS(PLWHA) 40 million.

The case of AIDS was first discovered in the United States, in 1981, but these casesprovide little information about the source of this disease. Now there is clear evidencethat AIDS is caused by a virus known as HIV.

HIV is part of a group of virus called a lentivirus discovered in nonhuman primates.Collectively, the lentivirus is known as a monkey virus called Simian ImmunodeficiencyVirus (SIV). HIV is a descendant of SIV. Specific SIV types similar to the two types ofHIV, namely HIV-1 and HIV-2, which attacked one of the white blood cells arelymphocytes.

In Indonesia, the first AIDS case was found in 1987. A 44-year-old tourist from the Netherlands died in Sanglah Hospital, Bali. Stranger's death was caused by AIDS.

Until the end of 1987, there were six people who are diagnosed HIV positive, two ofthem suffering from AIDS. From 1987 to December 2001, from 671 people living withAIDS, as many as 280 people died. HIV rapidly spread throughout the world. Like theiceberg phenomenon in the ocean, people with HIV / AIDS just looks a little on the surface.

How HIV / AIDS is transmitted

AIDS is one disease that is contagious. But not as easily transmitted as influenza virusor other viruses. The HIV virus can live in all human body fluids, but which have the abilityto transmit HIV to others who are just in: blood, vaginal fluid and sperm.

Modes of transmission of HIV / AIDS is known is through:

Blood transfusions from people living with HIV;
Having sex with a person with HIV;
A small percentage (25-30%) pregnant women with HIV to her fetus.
Syringes or needles / tattoo equipment / piercings that are shared by people living with HIV / AIDS; and
The milk of mothers with AIDS to children 

Actually there has not been found that certain symptoms to determine a person affected by HIV / AIDS except to go through blood tests. However, common symptoms of peopleinfected with HIV / AIDS usually are:

Body weight decreased significantly, typically more than 10% within 1 month;
- A fever of more than 38oC, accompanied by sweating for no apparent reason at night;

- chronic diarrhea for more than 1 month
- Prolonged fatigue; - Enlarged lymph nodes that persist, - usually around the neck and groin; - Itching; - Herpes skin, as well as - Other disorders of the skin, hair, eyes, mouth, genitals and other. 


Preventing HIV / AIDS

How to prevent the entry of a disease generally familiarize them with healthy living, ieeating healthy food, exercise, and healthy relationships. Some measures to preventfrom HIV / AIDS, among others:


- Avoid sexual relations outside marriage and try to relate only to one sexual partner - Always use condoms, especially for high risk behavior groups.
- A mother whose blood has been tested and found HIV positive should not be pregnant, because it can transfer the virus to the fetus. Will wish to become pregnant when should always consult with a physician.
- People who belong to high risk behavior groups should not be a blood donor. The use of needles and other puncture devices such as acupuncture, tattoo needles, piercing needles, disposable and should only be guaranteed sterility.
- Stay away from drugs, which proved that the spread of HIV / AIDS among panasun (IDUs) 3-5 times faster than other risk behaviors. At Kampung Bali, Jakarta, 9 out of 10 HIV-positive IDUs.